2011년 12월 1일 목요일

City vs. Country

This one question seems easy to answer, but sometimes requires lots of thinking and decision-making.
 *Would you rather live in a city or a country? and why?

City vs. Country
Which one do you prefer to live in?

1. city life
For those of you who have always wanted to be 
where the action is, 
who seek to be at the epicenter of excitement, 
city life is the way to go.
If you like the quiet feel of a neighborhood 
or the fast pace of downtown living,
you might consider city life. 
Parks and pathways, shopping, fine dining,
 arts and entertainment, 
diverse cultures and nightlife are 
just a few of the many splendors the two cities offer.
In addition, there’s also convenience. 
Proximity to airports, major interstates, 
excellent healthcare and employment opportunities 
make city living more practical than ever.

2. country life
One advantage is that there isn’t much pollution and traffic. 
You don’t have to worry about tour health because the air and the water are clean and fresh. 
There are usually a lot of plants. 
There isn’t any concrete and there aren’t any advertisements, 
blocks of flats, skyscrapers or traffic james. 
You can admire beautiful landscapes: meadows, hills or forests. 
For example, you can go to the forest to pick mushrooms or go hunting. 

On the plus side it’s easy to find good, cheap accommodation. 
Besides, living in the rural area is much safer. 
There aren’t so many housebreakers as in the city 
and there is also less probability that someone may break to your house. 
People know each other and they notice quickly that something strange is happening in their village. To sum up, country life is full of peace and silence so you’ll always feel wonderful and self confident.

Wherever you live in, be friend with the environment that you enjoy!

There are small things you can do to make a difference.
-pick up your own garbages in your yards
-recycle: you know what? it is not really hard!
-lower the a/c temperature when available


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