2011년 12월 5일 월요일

Do you know the Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is an international event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for nature),
and is held on the last Saturday of March annually,
asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights
and other electrical appliances for one hour
to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.

Even Google is doing it!!!

Earth Hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2007,
when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights.
Following Sydney's lead, many other cities around the world adopted the event in 2008.
 Earth Hour 2011 took place on March 26, 2011 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.,
 at participant's local time.

Would you join us to participate in Earth Hour in March 2012?


Save the Earth with your children!

Have your children join the Save the Earth campaign!!
Don't teach them how to save the Earth with great, but sometimes, boring stories :)

Save the Earth with your children with fun stuff!

1. Posters
2. Books

3. Gift wrap sacks

4. Cards

5. Make own beverages
Soda Club

Teach children to save the Earth in more exciting ways!
You want to know more about it?


Help the Earth in our own Minnesota ways!

How is Minnesota treating global warming?
Have our own ways!

Here are some ways to help-

1. Purchase green power
Minnesota law requires the state's electric utilities to offer customers voluntary options to purchase power generated from renewable sources that emit far fewer greenhouse gases. Contact your electrical provider for details and sign up for their program.  

2. Reduce your energy use for transportation
Buy a fuel efficient or alternative fuel vehicle.
Drive less – bus, bike, walk or carpool.
If you do drive, don’t idle your vehicle.

3. Reduce energy use at home
Turn your thermostat down in the winter, set your air conditioner higher in the summer. 
Buy energy-efficient bulbs and appliances, look for the ENERGY STAR label.
Get a home energy audit.

4. Plant trees
Trees capture and hold carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, and provide shade, which can reduce the need for air conditioning.

5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Waste reduction and recycling save energy and resources.

6. Educate others
Share the facts on global warming and encourage all to do their part 

We are the only people who can help to protect Minnesota from getting hot and hot and hot!!! 
Show your respect and passion towards nature of Minnesota, and help it please :)
